Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Step 10 - Give

Finally, be a giver. Leaders are givers. By giving, you activate a universal law as sound as gravity: .life gives to the giver, and takes from the taker.. The more you give, the more you get. If you want more love, respect, support, and compassion, give love, give respect, give support, and give compassion. Be a mentor to others. Give back to your community. As a leader, the only way to get what you want, is by helping enough people get what they want first.

As Sir Winston Churchill once said, 


  1. Never a truer word was uttered. I would tend to agree with this, but then i am challenged by Friedman's Theory of differentiated Leaders. So it really is a hard balancing act to learn. On the one hand my instinct is to help, offer advice, support and it is counter intuituve for me to stay connected to the group but not take on the emotion of the group (As freidman suggests we should do). But i guess that is my challenge for the future 'by making a life by what we give.' and identifying colleagues who try to embroil me in their issues. I will remain focussed to what my overall goal in life is and it will be the first priority. As Adair suggests you need to be embodied in an environment which reinforces leadership capabilities, rather than one which reinforces doubts. So i have a way to go to try and change the culture of my organisaton, but small steps start with myself and hopefully i can lead by example.

  2. Sometimes its difficult to 'give' or even find time to try to give back to your family, the community, your friends or work colleagues.

    Time is of the essence with this. I had posted a few weeks ago about reviewing my 'pizza' and making promises to myself to make time for things I wanted to do like excercise.

    I have made a start but realise its a journey - swimming with the family is a weekly event now and my daughter is learning how to swim with our goal for her to know how to swim before we go on holiday in August.

    As far as my role at work it has changed very recently and I find myself in unfamilar territory. I have found however that simply by asking the right questions and asking for help when its needed, I have learned so much over the past 2 weeks. In return I am trying to coach and mentor less experienced managers and supervisors. A bit of give and take is most certainly high on my agenda.

  3. Timely article, I recently placed a candidate that was a more rewarding placement than any other I have made over the last five years. I have been lucky enough to place candidates at a senior level and make good fees for my firm. This placement didn’t make me or the company any money, in fact probably lost us money (sound like a mercenary!!). The reason this one was different and so rewarding was the candidate suffered from autism which I didn’t initially know and had subsequently ruled out due to appearance. This candidate had never been given any real opportunity before from employers, recruitment agencies or anyone else. A charity called The Orchardville Society had made contact with me and explained the candidate’s situation which drove me to try and give this candidate an opportunity. In short the candidate is now on a temporary contract with a great growing Financial Services firm and is due to get his first ever paid employed work. I am not saying it took days and hours of effort or that I deserve recognition for this but what I wanted to get across is that it felt good, better than any other placement. Picked me up when recruitment wise the market is at an all-time low. If anyone has the opportunity to give back do it, it feels great.

  4. First I thought what can I give to the people that I love most my family, i thought of love because you can't put a price on it. Then my organisation I will give my commitment and do that best to the level of my ability. Then I thought of settling myself small challenges that are going to help me grow in my leadership skill. My first challenge that I have set is am going to a nonprofit children's centre to read for the kids, show them how to bake as well. If this goes well I hope it will be something I can get involved with.

  5. I cant look past the example of my children on this one. I love my kids and i would do anything for them without question. Along with my wife we spend valuable time and effort doing what we can to provide a life of honesty, truth and love. My kids are quite young and to be honest if you could see their faces at times when we try give an understanding to some life experiences, its quite funny. They may not understand the value in what we say or do now, but later on life when they are doing the same with their children i hope that what we gave to them will have an eternal influence.
    I love being a parent because its that one area where giving happens without the effort or thought. I give my kids praise, I pour love over them, I encourage them to belive in themselves and ultimately I make room for them to make mistakes. Giving breeds satisfaction but it does wait on the reward.
