Monday, 18 June 2012

Leadership Starts with Learning

I came across this sign whilst researching leadership today.  It marks one of the entrance streets that lead you into Southern Methodist University (SMU) Dallas.

It’s funny that a sign like this can make me smile, but it does. I love leadership. I love learning about it, growing in it, sharing with others about it and encouraging everyone to embrace it fully and authentically.
I have also frequently associated leadership with learning. It’s a critical connection to make, especially in the fast-paced, high-tech world we live in today. Things are changing quickly, and leaders need to be continually learning about new trends that can help them to be more effective and more efficient, as well as more engaged with people.
Sometimes, the start of learning is simply pushing yourself into the unknown; totally outside of your comfort zone. In these situations, you have no choice but to learn! When everything around you is new, it forces you to pay close attention to people and to your environment. You become more acutely aware of the details, and you find yourself more frequently seeking to understand.

I am learning to be a better teacher, as I work to complete my Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Edcuation Paractice (PGCHEP). I am learning to be a better mum, as I am supporting my son through his GCSE's and CCF Training. I am learning to be a better mentor, as I celebrate new opportunities for my friends and tcolleagues. I am learning to be more aware of my values as I meet new people and establish friendships.

…and I am becoming a better leader because of all of these things. This experience is all about learning and growing, and I will have more to contribute to the world because of it.
When was the last time you pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone? How did that impact you or the people around you? How are you pressing yourself to learn, improve and grow every day?

I encourage you to make a change and to challenge yourself. You’ll look back on the experience and be glad you did it!


  1. I have already set up my challenge. Am okay with my work, but since I began this course I have realise that I have a lot to offer than am doing now. So I have challenge myself to get a job as a care co-ordinator and I have send out few resumes around. Day by day am learning how a leader thinks and acts, we don't sit and wait for things to happen we made things happen. This jobs means a lot to me, am going to have me responsibility and more challenges but am ready for anything.

  2. Thats brilliant to hear let me know how you get on with your new career path.

  3. I'm presenting the work related elements of my personal leadership development plan to some of my regional mgt team this Monday - should be interesting at the back end of another presentation,hope to get their 'buy-in' and they've already emailed their support.
    'If you do what you've always done,you'll get what you always got.'
    I've never taken this approach before - so deep breaths,and here goes!!!!!
