Friday, 20 April 2012

Step 3 - Follow Your Bliss

Regardless of how busy you are, always take time to do what you love doing. Being an alive and vital person vitalises others. When you are pursuing your passions, people around you cannot help but feel impassioned by your presence.

This will make you a charismatic leader. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, be it writing, acting, painting, drawing, photography, sports, reading, dancing, networking, or working on entrepreneurial ventures, set aside time every week, ideally two or three hours a day, to pursue these activities.

Believe me, you’ll find the time. If you were to record yourself for a day, you would be shocked to see how much time goes to waste!

Step 4 - Dream Big


  1. Janette Sheerman23 April 2012 at 21:35

    I thought I would share this post that I read today on another leadership blog I am following by a very brave lady for thought for everyone facing important life changing decisions.

    .Every now and then we experience something that really rocks us and reminds us of what's truly important in life.  This week I received news that has done just that, and do you know, it has really helped me appreciate some of the difficult choices I've made over the past few years.  It has confirmed for me what I already know, but take for granted most days, that my family are the most important thing in my life.  It has affirmed the hugely difficult choice I made 5 years ago, to give up my 20 year career to be here for my children, and to ensure their grandparents are part of their growing up, something I missed out on as a child.
    Life might be very different had I not given up my corporate career, and parts of me that were so important at that time. Five years ago I valued employment security, a healthy salary, recognition by my colleagues and project responsibility, to name a few.  To discover our real passion, find work we love and lead an integrated life, we sometimes have to let go of the known and make very tough choices.  I realise now that in making my career change decision I trusted my gut rather than my head, it was high risk, there were no guarentees it would work out... and with hindsight, it was the best career decision I've ever made.  I now have freedom to be available as a parent and I'm proud of the business I'm developing, where my passion to support others be successful in their career, is being met.
    You don't need a wake up call to re assess your life, take a moment now to reflect and recognise what's really important to you?  What choices, and perhaps changes, do you need to make in your life to ensure you honour what's truly important to you ?

    My question to you is what do you value at this moment in time are you following your passion ?? Namaste .....Follow your Bliss.

  2. My value at the moment is expanding my career and business. so i have taken important steps by joining this course because it will provide me with the tools i need to be a good and effective leader.

    1. Fingers crossed and Im sure the course willhelp and support you on your leadership journey.

  3. Have our working lives become even busier? I don't think I've met one person recently who hasn't complained about their work load, how they don't have time to think, how there aren't enough hours in the day. It's important to take time out. I know that I perform better in work if I can go out for a walk in the evening, go for a coffee with friends or have a bath and some me time. Life is too short - we all need some enjoyment! Good blog entry and something everyone should consider.

    1. Lets hope you find the time because its important. the key point is that you have recognised the need for this so well done.

  4. As we sit and wait on a relatives cancer test results, now is the right time to take time out and follow the above above advice.

    1. Trevor sorry to hear this hopes and prayers are with you and your family

  5. Good news on the medical matter, all bad bits removed and no bag in place, chemo for followup and prognosis is excellent, caught the bugger early. Thank you for the messages of support. (I never open up like this, must be something in the UUJ coffee.)

  6. I'm currently reading 'Leadership From The Inside Out' by Kevin Cashman and he provides an insight into leadership as being 'authentic influence that creates value'. He points to the theory that if we can unleash our 'whole' capabilities (mind, body and spirit) then we can create even more value both within and external to our organisations.

    He gives 7 ways in which we can master our leadership skills one of which is 'Resilience Mastery'.

    Cashman concludes that all resilience in nature evolves through alternate cycles of rest and activity. Therefore just as nature balances rest and activity through seasonal cycles, so too so we as humans. The difference is that we choose the combinations of cycles (we choose our slices of pizza). This in turn leads to feedback on how well we have made our choices and as we learn to choose better our resilience increases.

    Cashman describes 11 points of Resilience Mastery:

    1. Be On Purpose and Be Aware
    2. Foster Your Energy vs Managing Time
    3. Learn to Exercise with Ease
    4. Deal With Life Damaging Habits
    5. Avoid Taking Yourself So Seriously
    6. Develop Mind - Body Awareness
    7. Manage Stress More Effectively
    8. Nurture Your Close Relationships
    9. Simplify Your Life
    10. Take Real Vacations
    11. Integrate More Reflection and Introspection into Your Lifestyle

    So as the book suggests, even if we take one point out and work on it per week / month then we would all be well on our leadership journey.

  7. Sheila some critical thinking demonstrated here well done. Havent read this book but will definately ceck it out. Thankyou for your insight.
