Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Step 6 - Perseverance

Perseverance......Victory belongs to those who want it the most and stay at it the longest.  Now that you have a dream, make sure you take consistent action every day or every week. 

I recommend doing at least 5 things every day/week that will move you closer to your dream.  Outline and identify the 5 things each day or more realistically each week that will help you get closer to your dream.

Share some of the actions that you are going to take to make you a better leader and help reach your dream.

Here's a fantastic talk given by Fields Wicker-Miurin: Learning from leadership's "missing manual" where she share stories of amazing leaders with perserverance. Fields Wicker-Miurin dream is to improve the quality and impact of leadership worldwide by discovering leaders in unique, local settings and connecting them with one another.

[Good leaders] have tried to connect worlds they didn’t know existed before. They’ve built bridges, and they’ve walked across them. They have a sense of the great arc of time and their tiny place in it.” (Fields Wicker-Miurin)


  1. My dreams and desires at stages have been linked to wealth and personal gain of which I understood this to be the indicator of my success. In reality I believe that my true victory or succeeding to see true dreams unravel is seeing other people develop through my leadership. I really do get a kick when I celebrate the wins of others.
    People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision (John Maxwell)

  2. Which supports Jim Collins thoughts on Level 5 Leadership which is about passion for others rather than for oneself. Watch the video again


  3. Claire McRoberts6 June 2012 at 22:13

    With authority comes responsibility. You have to persevere to sustain your own energy and enthusiam in addition to bring others along with you. I think it is like most things in life, you get out what you put in. Don't often quote Greek philosophers but here goes: "moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, courageous by doing courageous acts"(Aristotle). We can bacome better leaders by practising and persevering with our leadership practices.

  4. Perseverance is important in everything that we do in life, if we want to be successful we must persevere. relationships, health, sport, business, family.
    Every morning we should wake up excited about the new challenges that will come our way and how we will react to them. Without these challenges, life would just be boring:)
