Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Follow Your Bliss - Reflection and Feedback

Hi folks had great news this week that I had a work in progress abstract accepted at the following conference

Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus

8-9 November 2012

I took a conscious decision to "follow my bliss" and wrote and submitted a conference abstract with my colleagues Dorothy McKee and Michelle Rusk entitled "Civic Leadership for Communities in Transition"  and was delighted to hear this week that it had been accepted.

Would love to hear your "leadership" good news and reflection on your leadership practice  or development following on from your leadership workshop.


  1. Congratulations Janette, that's great news!

    Also, I just received my grade, thank you, it was very fair. The module certainly has effected how I conduct myself in business. I have been involved in setting up a new business networking group in my local area over the last several months, and I've really stepped up my game since doing your module. Because of this, I've become instrumental in gaining new members for the group and at this point, I am part of the leadership team that is driving the group forward. I now know how to demonstrate exactly how much I believe in myself and in what I am doing on a business level, and I know this will continue to provide dividends. I have learned how rewarding it can be to instill confidence in others by exhibiting confidence in "the cause", and it has been really pleasing to see others bloom along side me in this light.

    I guess this is what I could have put in my reflective statement for the assignment, but to be fair, most of it has come to fruition since handing up the assignment anyway. Not all that is important is written down, what I have gained from your module cannot be measured in written marks, so I'm quite happy! Thanks again Janette.

    -- Sharon

  2. Well done on the above. I know I present a certain personality, like Marmite. But mostly it is a facade, I have insecurities, imagine my surprise when a colleague said in reply to my question, "how do think I am as a manager/leader of the FM team"? They replied, "a very approachable person, who takes time to explain and listen to concerns on projects. Like a breath of fresh air" Maybe I am learning things on this course, I would never have taken a chance and asked that question before DMP.

  3. Around 3-4 years back when I first crossed over from operating tolls to my role as a first line manager I inherited a group of 25 people, some good, some different.
    I knew that to be successful within the role I had to surround myself with a competent team. I also understood the culture of how things were done before I took over, was not nurturing.
    One guy who didn't have a great timekeeping record, who at times would be a distraction within the team became my focus. I knew from my experience working with him on tools that he did have a mechanical aptitude, although he wasn't given opportunity to be stretched. I made the decision to take on the challenge of trying to mentor this bloke, to see if I could find his right fit within the team.
    Today the same guy is a key team player who organises stocks,operates machines with an outstanding quality record. Looking back at this it may have been easier for some to give up on this bloke but I believe that within everyone there is always potential.

  4. Leadership???? Everyone has their own opinion, no shortage of models for direction. What have i learnt? Lasting leadership, at this stage of my research, has similarities to completing a rubix cube. Theres a vision of the end goal, loads of twists + turns along the way. You need to keep evaluating your progress, sometimes you need to re think your last move. You need to remember what worked + what didn't. A better thought process + acknowledgement of where its went wrong in the past will reduce the number of moves required to complete it in the future.

  5. Really good to hear your leadership stories and positive comments on what you are learning form not only the leadership module but from the whole programme of learning. Let this be a start of your Emotional and Social Intellegence journey. Keep me posted on your leadership successes and lessons.
